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California Common Core Standards First Grade Reading

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Skills bachelor for California start-form language arts standards

IXL's starting time-class skills volition be aligned to the California Common Core Content Standards soon! Until then, you tin view a consummate listing of first-grade standards beneath.

Standards are in black and IXL language arts skills are in dark green. Concord your mouse over the proper noun of a skill to view a sample question. Click on the proper noun of a skill to exercise that skill.

L.1 Linguistic communication

  • Conventions of Standard English

    • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

      • Impress all upper- and lowercase letters.

      • L.i.1.b Use mutual, proper, and possessive nouns.

        • Complete the sentence with a noun to friction match the moving picture ( 1-EE.1 )
        • Sort common and proper nouns ( one-NN.4 )
        • Place proper nouns ( 1-NN.5 )
        • Select the possessive noun that matches the moving picture ( 1-NN.10 )
        • Form the singular possessive ( 1-NN.11 )
      • Utilise singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences ( thousand., He hops; We hop).

        • Regular plurals: select the word that matches the moving picture ( i-NN.half-dozen )
        • Form regular plurals with -s and -es ( one-NN.vii )
        • Use singular and plural nouns ( 1-NN.8 )
        • Irregular plurals: select the word that matches the picture ( 1-NN.9 )
        • 1 or more than than ane? ( )
        • Complete the sentence with the all-time verb ( 1-QQ.2 )
        • Complete the judgement with the best subject ( 1-QQ.three )
      • 50.ane.1.d Use personal (subject, object), possessive, and indefinite pronouns (e.g., I, me, my; they, them, their, anyone, everything).

        • Cull betwixt subject and object personal pronouns ( 1-OO.1 )
        • Choose the correct personal pronoun ( 1-OO.ii )
        • Complete the sentence with the correct personal pronoun ( 1-OO.3 )
        • Cull the correct possessive pronoun ( 1-OO.four )
        • Use the correct possessive pronoun ( 1-OO.5 )
        • Pronoun-verb agreement: Complete the sentence with the best verb ( one-QQ.four )
        • Pronoun-verb agreement: Consummate the sentence with the best subject ( i-QQ.5 )
      • Fifty.1.1.eastward Employ verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and hereafter (e.g., Yesterday I walked home; Today I walk abode; Tomorrow I volition walk home).

        • Select the sentence that tells virtually the present ( 1-RR.1 )
        • Select the judgement that tells nigh the by ( i-RR.ii )
        • Select the judgement that tells nigh the future ( 1-RR.iii )
        • Identify sentences on a timeline ( 1-RR.4 )
        • Course and employ the regular past tense ( i-RR.5 )
        • Identify the irregular past tense ( 1-RR.6 )
        • Place sentences with irregular verbs on a timeline ( one-RR.7 )
      • Apply oft occurring adjectives.

        • Compare pictures using adjectives ( 1-EE.ii )
        • Utilize number words ( ane-EE.3 )
        • Apply sense words ( one-TT.1 )
        • Compare pictures using comparative and superlative adjectives ( i-TT.4 )
      • L.ane.1.thousand Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g., and, only, or, so, because).

        • Utilise conjunctions ( 1-VV.ane )
      • L.1.1.h Use determiners ( thousand., articles, demonstratives).

        • Use the right commodity: a or an ( 1-SS.1 )
        • Place articles ( one-SS.ii )
      • L.1.i.i Use frequently occurring prepositions (due east.k., during, across, toward).

        • Select the best preposition to match the motion-picture show ( 1-UU.1 )
        • Select the all-time preposition to complete the sentence ( ane-UU.ii )
      • Fifty.1.ane.j Produce and expand complete uncomplicated and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in response to prompts.

        • Identify statements ( )
        • Place questions ( 1-MM.2 )
        • Identify exclamations ( one-MM.3 )
        • Identify commands ( ane-MM.four )
        • Choose the right end mark ( one-MM.5 )
        • Argument, question, command, or exclamation? ( 1-MM.6 )
        • Is information technology the naming or activity role of the sentence? ( 1-MM.8 )
        • Find the complete sentences ( 1-MM.ix )
        • Complete the sentence ( 1-MM.x )
        • Unscramble the words to brand a complete sentence ( 1-MM.11 )
    • Fifty.1.2 Demonstrate control of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

      • L.ane.2.a Capitalize dates and names of people.

        • Capitalize the names of people and pets ( 1-XX.1 )
        • Capitalize days and months ( 1-Xx.2 )
      • Fifty.1.2.b Utilise terminate punctuation for sentences.

        • Cull the right end marking ( 1-MM.v )
        • Argument, question, command, or exclamation? ( one-MM.6 )
      • Use commas in dates and to split up single words in a series.

      • L.1.2.d Apply conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.

        • Grade regular plurals with -south and -es ( )
        • Irregular plurals: select the word that matches the picture ( 1-NN.nine )
      • Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.

        • Put the sounds in order ( 1-D.iii )
        • Complete the word with the right initial consonant blend ( one-F.1 )
        • Complete the discussion with the right concluding consonant blend ( 1-F.iii )
        • Consummate the word to match the film: -ss, -ll, -ff, -zz, -ck ( 1-F.6 )
        • Complete the word with the right digraph ( 1-F.8 )
        • Spell the digraph word ( 1-F.9 )
        • Complete the short a word ( 1-One thousand.two )
        • Complete the short e word ( 1-H.two )
        • Complete the curt i words ( 1-I.ii )
        • Consummate the short o word ( 1-J.two )
        • Complete the short u word ( 1-K.2 )
        • Complete the word with the right brusque vowel ( one-L.ii )
        • Spell the curt vowel give-and-take ( 1-L.3 )
        • Complete the silent due east words ( ane-N.2 )
        • Spell the silent e word ( 1-N.3 )
        • Complete the vowel squad words ( 1-O.2 )
        • Complete the word with the right vowel team ( 1-O.three )
        • Complete the word with the correct r-controlled vowel: ar, er, ir, or, ur ( ane-P.2 )
        • Complete the word with the correct diphthong: oi, oy, ou, ow ( ane-Q.2 )
        • Complete the two-syllable words ( 1-R.3 )
  • Vocabulary Acquisition and Utilise

    • L.ane.iv Make up one's mind or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-significant words and phrases based on grade i reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.

      • Fifty.1.four.a Utilise sentence-level context as a inkling to the significant of a word or phrase.

        • Utilize context to identify the meaning of a word ( one-KK.1 )
      • L.ane.4.b Apply frequently occurring affixes every bit a clue to the significant of a discussion.

        • Apply words with prefixes and suffixes ( 1-JJ.1 )
        • Understand words with prefixes and suffixes ( 1-JJ.two )
      • 50.1.iv.c Identify frequently occurring root words (east.g., look) and their inflectional forms (e.1000., looks, looked, looking).

        • Match the -ed and -ing sentences to the pictures ( 1-RR.9 )
    • With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of give-and-take relationships and nuances in word meanings.

      • Fifty.i.five.a Sort words into categories (e.g., colors, clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories stand for.

        • Sort words into categories ( one-FF.1 )
      • 50.1.5.b Define words by category and by i or more fundamental attributes (e.g., a duck is a bird that swims; a tiger is a large cat with stripes).

        • Which discussion is not similar the others? ( 1-FF.2 )
        • Find the words with related meanings ( 1-Two.1 )
      • L.1.5.c Identify real-life connections betwixt words and their employ (eastward.g., note places at home that are cozy).

        • Sort words into categories ( one-FF.i )
        • Multiple-pregnant words with pictures ( i-HH.1 )
        • Describe the difference betwixt related words ( i-II.2 )
        • Use action verbs ( 1-PP.three )
        • Use sense words ( 1-TT.1 )
        • Does the adjective tell y'all what kind or how many? ( ane-TT.2 )
        • Place adjectives ( 1-TT.3 )
        • Select the best preposition to match the pic ( i-UU.ane )
      • L.1.v.d Distinguish shades of meaning amid verbs differing in way (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and adjectives differing in intensity (eastward.g., big, gigantic) by defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.

        • Find the words with related meanings ( )
        • Draw the difference between related words ( 1-2.ii )
        • Social club related words based on pregnant ( 1-Two.3 )
    • L.1.half-dozen Employ words and phrases caused through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using frequently occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships (e.g., because).

      • Describe the difference betwixt related words ( 1-Ii.2 )
      • Apply sense words ( one-TT.i )
      • Select the all-time preposition to match the picture ( ane-UU.i )
      • Select the best preposition to consummate the judgement ( 1-UU.ii )

California Common Core Standards First Grade Reading
